Award-Winning Leadership Speaker, Executive Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author

Have Don Yaeger speak to your team!

Your Virtual Motivator

Keep motivation high and ensure your workforce remains
fully engaged in this new "remote work" world.

Your Virtual Motivator


How to Create the Perfect Remote Workspace

3 Priorities for creating the ideal work-from-home setting

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How to Run a Virtual Meeting

6 Guidelines for organizing & attending effective virtual meetings

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How to Work from Home when Kids are Home

2 Strategies for balancing work-from-home and childcare

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A team member will reach out to you as soon as possible!

How best to use this program

Don Yaeger

Our goal for each message was to make it energetic and encouraging, something you can’t necessarily get across with words on a page…so video, we hope, helps! The goal for each of these videos is to tap into a subject that will be beneficial to your new remote team, navigating a topic that will help inspire and shine a much-needed ray of hope to all. Each should also open the door for leaders to dig deeper into these subjects for future conversations with the team. Often times the leader is expected to have all the answers, so allowing a third-party expert on GREAT TEAMS start a meaningful conversation is an ideal bridge from addressing the challenges of the disruption, to actually finding solutions and corrective measures.

My goal is that each one of these sessions helps kickstart your virtual team conversations.

Here are 2 quick suggestions:

  1. Set the stage for an engaging video conference meeting by sharing your screen and playing the video for the other attendees, and then discussing it afterward.
  2. Watch it individually the day or night before and then start off the next morning conference call talking about key takeaways or ideas inspired by the video.

If you have any questions or thoughts about how this will best work for you or your team, please don’t hesitate to reach out. This isn’t intended to give you tutorials on how to use a particular software or which technology companies should invest in during these challenging times. This is intended to inspire productive discussions about how best to stay connected in a potentially splintering work environment. May they serve and guide your team to Great virtual efficiency.

Again, reach out if you have a question—know that I’m here to help.

Let’s be Great, together!

Connect with Don Yaeger  

Where would you like to start the conversation?



413 N. Meridian St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301

 (850) 412-0300

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Certified Speaking Professional (CSP)
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About Don Yaeger

Don Yaeger

Don Yaeger is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), longtime Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated, 12-time New York Times best-selling author, leadership expert and executive coach.

 Read Full Bio here

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    Don Yaeger is ready to speak with you

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    Anjie Cheatham – Director of Marketing and Events

    Anjie Cheatham
    Director of Live & Virtual Events

    Connect with Don's team directly by calling (850) 412-0300 (8:30AM – 6:00PM EST)

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